Monday, August 21, 2006

Mystery Date & Parent’s Weekend

One of the amazing benefits of working for an airline is at the last minute you can jump on any plane, so long as a seat is available. Holly and I have been taking advantage of this as much as humanly possible. Holly is also on summer hours, meaning she works longer days Monday thru Thursday and gets to take Friday afternoons off. So I took the afternoon off and we scheduled a much needed date afternoon.

Now I am neither the most spontaneous of persons, nor the most creative when it comes to ideas for dates. There is just something around familiar and regular that I like, thankfully my lovely bride believes so as well. But this was the exception. I actually kept our mystery date a secret right up to the turn into the airport.

Holly picked me up from work, I do work at the airport so that made sense. I then instructed her turn by turn towards the airport. Even after she realized that we were flying for our date, I didn’t let her know where until we were in the terminal. Once in the terminal she successfully guess that we were headed to the San Antonio Riverwalk for the afternoon.

On the Riverwalk we ate lunch at County Line BBQ, saw a 3D IMAX film on wild African animals, went into local shops, bought some Christmas gifts, then ate dinner at Rio Rio. We went back to the airport, caught the last flight to Dallas Love Field and were home around 10. What a good afternoon.

Saturday I planned a ‘Day In Paradise.’ My parents live in Paradise, TX well not really then live in Old Draco or closer to Cottondale, but alas their mailing address is Paradise, so we say they live in Paradise. Not really Paradise if you ask me, but that is another post. I hadn’t seen my parents since Mother’s day and a lot of birthdays and Father’s day have occurred since then.

I actually managed to round up my entire family and grandmother for this event. That is quite an achievement for our family. I hadn’t seen my brother since Father’s Day 2005 at the Ballpark In Arlington. Not even at Christmas or Thanksgiving last year. In that time he has gotten engaged, so I met my future Sister-In-Law for the first time.

My mom made hamburgers; dad cooked them on charcoal. My grandmother made her famous fried potatoes; Holly provided the homemade ice cream. I lost the first game of Yahtzee, but won the second!

Oddly church was a much needed ‘normal’ weekend event for us. After church our Sunday school group went out to lunch at this yummo Italian restaurant that is actually run by Italians.

We took a nap and enjoyed the evening relaxing.

What a great weekend.


H Noble said...

It was a fabulous weekend, but I am exhausted today! What do you mean, I have to work?!

H Noble said...

You said Yummo! :)

H Noble said...

That was just for you!

TreyJ said...

That was an awesome date idea! I wish I could take Mrs. J to the riverwalk!

Viki said...

Oh, we'll get there schatz.

J&H - what a fun date! H, I'm jealous of your summer hours - we used to do that at the opera. I guess I can't complain, though, because work right now is very flexible.

Glad you got to get the whole family together, too. I think it was just recently that my mom had all 4 of her kids in the same place at the same time for the first time since T3 and I got married.

H Noble said...

It is so nice when you can get an entire family together. It seems that we're always missing someone, no matter which side of the family we're with.

Abbey said...

I'm jealous of your afternoon getway but am happy you had a great time! Also glad the family was all together. It is easy to take for granted that the family unit will always do stuff together. However, that becomes more and more difficult with marriage and such. BTW I love the new background!

H Noble said...

Thanks Abba Dabba Ding Dong!
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