Thursday, August 31, 2006

Can you ever go back?

Holly says....

Is there ever a time when you can go back and relive something from your childhood and it be as good as you remembered it? I ask this because there is a commercial on the radio right now that uses Speak 'N Spell to spell out words. I don't remember what it's advertising, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, I loved my Speak 'N Spell and actually wore it out, causing my mom to buy me another one to get me to leave her alone. (The math one didn't do much for me.)

Anyway, I suspect that if I were to buy one now that it would be slow and silly and not give me that feeling of triumph I had as a kid when I spelled a word correctly and heard, "That is correct. Next, spell ____." So I think I probably won't try because I don't want to ruin a good memory.

This subject came about as I was lying in bed last night, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. What's nice about our ceiling is that I have an alarm clock that shines the time up above you. Justin bought it for me for Christmas 3 years ago and I can honestly say it is one of the best gifts I can remember (of my adult life anyway.) What's so great about it is that my grandparents had one in their bedroom when I was a little girl. If I had a bad dream I would run in their room and climb into bed with them, on Mom's side, and watch the time change on the ceiling. The only difference is that theirs shone orange and mine is red. I think this may be one of the few things that is just as good as the original memory.

So I guess the answer is yes, you can really go back and its worth it sometimes. But don't expect every attempt to be as fulfilling as my alarm clock. Thanks Justin.


Viki said...

I'd have to agree that some things are just as good as they were when you were a kid - the potato dumpling thing my Oma used to make, Oklahoma, the Sound of Music, etc.

Others are not so good - I had a Speak n' Spell and a Speak n' Read, and I think they'd be a little lacking in the challenge department now.

Abbey said...

I love old memories! Just reading the list of 80's things you sent me brought a lot back from school days. In fact, sometimes I think God helps us remember things as a source of comfort. I find that often when I think of my grandfathers and grandmother. Love, love, love the memories!

When do you want to do dinner?

aimee said...

I do that with food. My grandmother used to have the orange sherbert push pops from Schwan's and I loved those! Now I buy them for my kids, and I still love them and everytime I have one, I think that it is a special treat because that is how I felt back then.

That 80s list was fun! I had that song in my head all day thank you very much! :)

H Noble said...

Orange push-up pops! I used to love them and they were a special treat. I haven't had one in years!

H Noble said...

J- thanks for adding Amanda to my links! You know I couldn't have my own blog, because then you would just have to keep up with two! :)

ArmandII said...

I like that you two share a blog too, it does get a little overwhelming when you both blog every day. A lot to keep up with. But I have to admit I like the new salutations. They help. Y'all are great!

Those orange pops were my favorite in school. Used to get them for dessert every once in a while. Deffinitely a real treat!

Kilroy was here!