Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Open Invite to Ethan:

In response to the most gracious invitation, I humbly accept your invitation to have a meal together. I suggest we make plans for an afternoon or evening during this up coming Labor Day weekend. I am open any day but Saturday. If anybody else will be in town for the weekend and would like to join the cool kids, please let us me know. Now booking for Labor Day!



H Noble said...

Hey E:
Does your cell phone still start 817-343? It's been a while since I called you.

Hey Viki:
My cell phone number is 214-543-5611. Well I guess that is for anyone who wants it now. If you call me at midnight on a school night, your dead meat buster. I know Viki wouldn't think of that ;)

aimee said...

Have a fun weekend! My in-laws are coming to take the boys fishing this weekend. So we are going to see how much fun we have! :)

ArmandII said...

I'm sure E would love to have dinner with you if he weren't going to be having breakfast lunch and dinner with me all weekend in Omaha...well at least lunch and dinner. You know E doesn't get up until noon.

Kilroy was here!

H Noble said...

Bummer Justin. I keep telling you, you've got to plan in advance!

A- have a nice break without children! That's great that Sammy and Sandy are doing that. Have the boys been fishing before?

My dad calls Jared "Willie TwoFish" because every time he takes him fishing he catches two fish! But he won't touch or eat them.

ArmandII said...

Has anyone ever told you two that it is confusing when you talk to each other via blogs? I think it would be different if you had different names, but it's confusing. ;-) Oh well, I'll get over it.

Kilroy was here!

H Noble said...

Armand- any suggestions on how to make it easier? Do we need to say, "Holly says..." or "Justin says..."? We have talked about having separate blogs, but we kinda like being a team.

aimee said...

Or "he says" "she says"!

Anonymous said...

Okay, just have to poke fun. You are trying to make Labor Day plans the Wednesday before?! It's a 3 day weekend, which equals a trip out of town or visitors in town. Not saying you have to book it up 2 months in advance like me, but still.

H Noble said...

Jenise you are right, however, to use or free flight benefits, flying on a holiday weekend is not smart. Fear not, plans are in motion. My parents and I are trying to schedule a flying out of town trip next weekend. The first weekend in October we are planning a trip to North Carolina to visit Erin and Clint. And anything else we want to do, so long as it isn't on a holiday weekend!

Where you headed?

Anonymous said...

Just a Hill Country road trip this weekend (with 20 or so church friends). I guess holidays aren't the best for you free flyers; still worth putting up with, though. Glad to hear you have trips in the works. You know, planning is at least half the fun!

"E" said...

Hey J,

When I get back in town, I will give you a ring and we can set up the meeting, everyone else is invited too. I will let all know the time ad place we are meeting. to answer you question my cell number is 817 343-7748. Talk to you soon bro.
