Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mysteries Outside the Household

I know that I am quite particular and stringently abide by most rules and laws (except for speed limits), however it never ceases to amaze me when people just blatantly disregard common courtesy because it somehow doesn't apply to them. Trey, this may tie into your entry on the anything-but-courteous-customer.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people leaving their shopping carts wherever they see fit in parking lots. This seems to be the worst at Wal-Mart, but does happen at other stores too. My first example was the lady last week that left it on the other side of the barrier. I assume she thought that by having her cart touch the cart return, she at least got partial credit. She didn't. When I came out of the store, it was rolling toward another car and I had to run to catch it. I had a few choice words for her, but alas, she was already gone.

My second example happened yesterday. Mind you, I shop at a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market across the street from our house, so it is small, but still has numerous cart returns. When I came out of the store, there was a cart parked about two feet behind my car. Now, if this isn't bad enough, its one that has the carseat bolted to it, so it didn't fit into my cart. Therefore, I had to push one with each hand to the cart return with the added help of a wheel that wouldn't turn. I'm sure people thought I was crazy as I proclaimed quite loudly, "Of course I don't mind you being lazy and leaving your cart behind my car. I would love to put that up for you!"

I was fuming when I got home. I think I scared both Justin and Trigger. What is it that exempts people from having to think about others? Don't you think they would be upset if a stray cart had scratched their car? Wouldn't they be put out if they had to move a stray cart before they could even back their car out? Please help me understand!



aimee said...

Oh Holly, I hear you girl!!!
That is my biggest pet peeve ever! I have found it is harder to take the cart back with two kids, but guess what? I park close to the cart return so it will be easy! How come people don't think of things like that?
I love that you said that out loud!

ArmandII said...

I had a near death runaway cart experience just a week or two ago. I was driving on the main drive through the bakers/target parking lot when I look to my left down a parking lane to see a cart come screaming down the middle toward my car. I stopped in time for it to fly past my front end. But either that was a kamakasi cart, or someone had intensionally gave it a good push downhill before they left.

H Noble said...

Geez, glad it didn't hit your car Armand. It doesn't make me feel better that this is a universal problem though. It means that there are insensitive, uncaring people in 3 states, at least!

Aim- I'm a lot more vocal than I used to be!

Viki said...

I, too, hate shopping carts. Sometimes I don't need to bring them outside with me (I bring my own cloth bags to the store - you can fit a lot in, and carry them over your shoulder like a tote bag), but when I do I _always_ return the cart. Not doing so is not only to potentially damage a car, but it's rude to the people who have to run around and collect them all.

I think this is probably the worst at Walmart, though, where rudeness seems to abound. I have a good story from my last visit, which I will post later.

H Noble said...

Looking forward to it Viki!

TreyJ said...

We have a huge cart problem at Binny's. Part of the problem is that we don't have cart returns, so people just leave them hanging out in the parking lot. Sometimes they're nice enough to bring them back to the sidewalk in front of the store, but people rarely bring them back in the store.

Viki said...

Hmm - see, without cart returns it's a little bit more difficult. I wouldn't expect people to bring them back _in_ but the sidewalk would be nice.

H Noble said...

How much wine do you have to buy to use a push cart? Or do you sell other things? I guess I just envisioned the little baskets you carry in your hand.

Viki said...

Well, put more than a few bottles on wine in those little baskets and they get really heavy!

TreyJ said...

Well, if you're old, and you buy more than three bottles of wine, it's too heavy for you to carry by hand, so you need a shopping cart (or some lackey from the store like me to carry things for you). Besides, lots of people buy multiple cases at our store.

H Noble said...

I didn't know, but thanks for informing me!

Anger management, Andy? Just kidding- glad to hear from you!