Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Mysteries of Self Consciousness

I am not an overly fit or attractive person. My wife thinks I am hot, and that is all that really matters. I try to keep balance between overly obsessed with looks and not caring at all. I believe this balance has been lost in our society.

There is nothing like working at a large company headquarters to see all the different realms of self consciousness play out. You have what my Team lead terms ‘over-groomers’ and you have those who you are pretty sure wore those same clothes yesterday. You have the perfume bomber in the elevator and stink bomb in the bathroom. You have the skinny mini and the not so skinny mini.

Now let me start by saying; “I am a true believer in being you.” I believe people should take care of themselves but understand that may be different than how I choose to take care of myself. All I really ask is that your style, or lack there of, shows that you care.

I do however have one piece of advice. If by chance you have inherited, or have acquired either by default or on purpose, the body style in which your rear end has expanded beyond you shoulders, please do NOT place a tied up jacket across it to cover it up.

It doesn’t work.

Today while walking around the building I was just in a mood of people watching. I was completing my normal analysis of people’s choice of personal appearance and noticed four ladies who choose to tie a jacket around their waste with the body of the jacket dangling over their rear end. Now I know not the reason, but if it is to hide this body part, it doesn’t work. It in fact draws attention to the area by the flipping and flopping of the hood. It accentuates your round middle part by creating a circular band around the section with the arms tied. It looks even worse if your can just barely tie the arms together in the front, making you look even larger than you are trying to hide.

My advice: “Be Yourself.” Get over the fact of things you can do little if nothing about. Choose clothes that do not require you to hide your body, but focus attention on your positive features. Please do NOT attempt to cover anything up, choose to focus on the positive. And if by chance you choose to wear the jacket in case you get cold, just throw it over your shoulder, it is a better option, promise.

Stacy and Clinton would be proud, right Holly?


H Noble said...

Okay, J is just trying to understand people, because he comes from a line of men who want women to just be natural. Just stating facts, Lannie!

In kindness, he left out the fact that we (or I) am trying to come up with a weight loss plan for us. I convinced him to split a meal with me tonight at Scotty P's- yum! A couple of hours later, when he was in the office and I thought I was safe, he caught me in the kitchen with the cookies and milk. So, maybe he is just giving me a nonchalant "hey, watch the hips!"

Thanks for your support J!

H Noble said...

And you are right! Stacy and Clinton would be proud! And you're hot!!!!

"E" said...

HEH, you guys are hilarious. I have no features to that are positive so from now on I think I should wear a MOOMOO, JK.


"E" said...

P.S. When can I start giving Armand a hard time about not bloggging, I have some paybacks to hand out?


H Noble said...

E- don't be so negative! I think you're a good looking guy, just not as hot as my handsome husband! ;)


H Noble said...

BTW- Where is Andy? This may turn into Where's Waldo. HeHeHe... I know he's busy, but we want an update!
Sorry to change the subject J.

aimee said...

I was justin thinking that you would be a good "fill-in hostess" for Clinton when you said that at the end!

TreyJ said...

E - Homer Simpson tried that once and he got so big they wouldn't let him into movie theaters. We all know how much you like movies...

H Noble said...

Aimee- we LOVE What Not to Wear! Okay, I do and I've pulled Justin to the dark side! :)

ArmandII said...

Justin, in reading your post I was reminded(by your "not so skinny mini" comment)of one of Jeff Foxworthy's sketches. I probably shouldn't repeat it. Oh, and when did JNoble become J&HNoble? I like it!

Kilroy was here!

Scott said...

I only understand half of what is going on with this blog, but what's new.

TreyJ said...

Scott: "how you do that?"

ArmandII said...

"Push the green button!"

Kilroy was here!

H Noble said...

Thanks for noticing our change Armand! I felt left out and J said he didn't mind me not having my own blog, so there you go.

Tom said...

Guys, Scott just said "I don"t get it!"

mrscoutmaster said...

So what is wrong with natural?