Wednesday, September 06, 2006


By Justin

Why are things worded the way they are? I have a knack for noticing word choices that are just insanely unnecessary. Like just the other night, we were enjoying a lovely meal with our friends Joel and Abbey in McKinney. I looked over Abbey’s shoulder and noticed the sign said: “If you have special needs notify your Server or the Manager on Duty.” My question is when do you notify the Manager NOT on Duty? At what point are you allowed to ask for the home or cell phone number of the Manager NOT on Duty to complain about a special need? Is there etiquette on this? Will Hints from Heloise know this one?

I also find the names of business and churches funny, especially churches. We have a church close by that is Greater New Birth Baptist. Is there a Lesser New Birth or a Greater Old Birth or is it Lesser Old Birth Baptist? We have also passed a Primitive Baptist Church that didn’t look so primitive. In Levelland (near Lubbock, TX) there is a big sign on the highway that says Primitive Baptist church with an arrow pointing to an open field, now that is primitive and hence the name makes sense.

I could go on, but I won’t. Let’s just say that my other pet peeve is names of cities. My parents live in Cottondale. There isn’t cotton within a hundred miles of there. Come on people work with me here.


Viki said...

I agree on the stupid wording - there are plenty of signs that have words or phrases that are just unnecessary. The worst part is that someone got paid to write them. Excess wording, however, is not as bad as improper grammar, at least in my book.

As for stupid names of towns, we've got stupid names of subdivisions up here. How's Kylemore Greens, or Waterford Glen? We could play a game for naming new ones!

H Noble said...

My thing is the streets that have about five names to them. Somehow Erin and Clint always end up with long street names. They don't even fit on your license!

H Noble said...

That's it. See if we can't insult them into commenting. I like the tactic Holly!

H Noble said...

Maybe because I have bad grammer, but I think excess wording as a much bigger problem!


aimee said...

Talking about streets, you should see my neighborhood. Every street begins with Ashe. So confusing.

I'll have to be on the lookout for excessive worded signs.

H Noble said...


Come on Justin!
Its kinda like your thing with Erin J and 'Kacoo's'!

H Noble said...

A new one for last night:

We ate at Red Lobster and the menu offer 'Live Maine Lobster'. Seriously, if I am going to pay for a lobster I want it dead and cooked.


ArmandII said...

I can only imagine the trouble that lobster would give you if you tried to cut him open and instead accidentally cut the rubber band holding his pnchers together.

Kilroy was here!

H Noble said...

Poor little lobsters. That's no life being in a little stinky tank, all piled on top of each other and you can't even use your claws!