Friday, November 03, 2006

Random Stuff

by Holly

We are still alive, I promise. I kept thinking Justin would post about Halloween (I don't know how to put pictures on the computer!), but he's been a little busy. You see, he has a new computer!!!! He built it instead of buying it and is so excited. It is pretty cool, but I don't have that guy fascination with all things electronic.

This weekend we are headed to East Texas to go 'camping' which is really our Sunday School class staying in cabins. I'm a little relieved though because it is pretty cool today and colder at night. I know, you people up north think we are a bunch of wimps, but that's okay. At least I live in Texas! :)

It seems the holidays are right around the corner. November kind of snuck up on me this year. I love the fall, the cooler weather and the holiday excitement, so I'm like a kid all excited about a new toy (or like Justin with a new computer). For those of you counting down, there seems to be 58 shopping days left till Christmas. ONLY 58?! That is not very long!! I'm the kind of Christmas shopper that starts months in advance to pick just the right gift for each person. Okay, so I bought the first gifts in June, but who's keeping track?

I promise some pictures are coming. I am going to get Justin to show me how to get our pics from the camera to the computer and then to the blog. It can't be that hard, right? Justin is shaking his head reading this I'm sure, because he knows how hard I make simple computer tasks. ;)

Hope you all have a great weekend, and congratulations Scott and Laura!


aimee said...

Yay! I was beginning to wonder...

Have a great time camping and stay warm! :)

Wow, I am impressed that Justin built his own computer. And if I can post pictures, I know you can!

Viki said...

I wish I could build my own computer...then again, that's one of those things I should probably let someone else handle. I'm not good at the pictures on the blog either!

ArmandII said...

Let E do it for you Viki...or for that matter Justin. Speaking of building computers...I had a friend at the academy who build a computer in a cardboard box with duck tape. How cool is that? It actually worked, but for some reason he decided to run Lenox on it. It looked cool though.

Kilroy was here!

Jelaine said...

about starting X-mas shopping early, my mom is the champ. She does it all in Jan. when everything's on sale. What's funny is that she loses them or wraps them without putting labels on so forgets whose it is half the time. Oh well, it's a pretty good way to save money.