Monday, November 06, 2006


by Justin

Why are deadlines so imposing? Why do they always seem to work against you? It always seems that no matter how far off they are, they get here quicker than they need too. It always seems that no matter how hard you work to not be stressed against the deadline, the deadline moves closer.

I hate deadlines.


Viki said...

Keep your chin up, J. Sometimes you can work ahead to meet deadlines, sometimes that's a lot harder said than done. We're rooting for you!

ArmandII said...

Yeah those things suck. But I think what sucks even more is when your supervisors expect you to know when they wants something done by, but don't ever bother giving you a deadline, and then get mad at you when you don't have it done. Blah.

Kilroy was here!

PS: I'm trying desperately to catch up with everyone's think you could give me the cliffs notes version of the last month or so? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Justin! I'm thinking about you!

TreyJ said...

Yup. Deadlines stink. Keep plugging away, dood.

Abbey said...

The only thing I hate more than deadlines is office politics. I've been dealing with a lot lately. It stinks!