Friday, November 17, 2006

The Physics of Driving

By Justin

I have a fear of my blogs turning into Viki’s Flip-Flop-Girl, but when you drive as much as I do every day it dominates your thinking. So with that I offer the following assessments.

1.) The most direct route between two points is a straight line. People should understand this. Unless your vehicle has 18 wheels it is NOT necessary to turn left prior to turning right. Swinging out to make a curve is simply stupid. I drive a full sized pickup and I can make every turn between my house and my work without swinging out to make turns. Short of straight parking spots it just is not necessary.

2.) The Laws of Inertia are still true while driving. I truly wish people would understand that their Ford Focus does not weigh near enough to tip over during turning. The laws of inertia would tell you that you would be required to go astronomically faster than 10 mph during your turn prior to reaching the point of tipping over. So please while making that turn from the light, accelerate just a little bit. Please do not swing out to make the turn.

3.) For very action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you are football fielding in the left lane and forcing me to be a butt kisser and you become an unnecessary braker you should expect to hear my horn. Your stupidity and lack of caring deserves my reaction. It is a simple law of physics. :)


Viki said...

Love it! I agree with everything you've written. As far as your 3rd example goes, a horn is also applicable when someone does not start moving forward within a couple of seconds of the light turning green - if you wait more than about 2 seconds, you'll hear my horn for it.

aimee said...

You need to move to Oklahoma. There aren't that many people here. Therefore, not as many drivers to annoy you.

H Noble said...

Did she just suggest me leaving Texas as my place of Residence?

oh dear


Tom said...

re: side bar. did you do that last nite? didn't mean to be a bucket of cold water . SPLASH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holly, I saw your comment, and it lead me to your page. I have stopped in on this one a few times too, but couldn't remember which one it was. I enjoy reading your page too. You sound like a wonderful couple really enjoying life. This blog gave me a good laugh. I have to admit to being a driver who commits a few of the crimes mentioned in the other driving blog at times, but do get annoyed at many of the other ones mentioned. I also wish you luck with your kitty. I have a couple of cats who are very dear to me (and not as much to my husband), so I know what it is like to have difficult times with them. Keep that I've found y'all's page again, I will drop in a little more for a good laugh.
God Bless!

mrscoutmaster said...

Come on son. You are asking most Texans (or people in general) to understand physics? LOL