Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Spare Bedroom

Sunday night Holly decided that it was time for her to clean the bedroom sheets. We do this on a pretty consistent basis, well lets just say that it is a lot more consistent than when I was single. I am not sure, but I think the square pattern design was still on my sheets from when I bought them and move into the dorm, when I moved out (three years later).

Now the sheets were going to be dry in time for bedtime, but I had a bright idea. We have a guest bedroom and it hardly ever gets used. Why don’t we just sleep in there, and not worry about the sheets. Holly is game and we pretend it is a stay at home slumber party.

We eagerly bounce into the room and snuggle up, well wait not exactly true. I am my father’s son, so in a effort to save money in a room we don’t use I had closed the vent off. So first we un-snuggled, as to not sweat, and opened the vent. Then we tried to adjust to sleeping on a double bed when we are used to sleeping on a queen. Then our cat decided that since he never gets to go in this room it was a perfect night to explore and root around. Then every time Holly or I turned over the bed was a little extra bouncy and woke the other one up. Then we realized that the bed squeaked at every breath. Then… Then… Then…

We didn’t sleep much that night, and the slumber party was a bust. So this is my formal apology to everyone we have ever made sleep on that bed. We promise that a new guest ‘experience’ is on the radar for the future.


Viki said...

I almost bought some cheap pillows for the guest bedroom, but had recently read something about making sure your guests are as comfortable as you'd like to be as a guest...

I'm sure the guest bed is fine - any bed that's not your own is always harder to sleep in...

ArmandII said...

Jelaine's parents have a guest bed that sounds a lot like that. If you breath, the whole house knows it...literally. Not to mention it is adjacent to thier room. Our guest bed, I must say is pretty nice though...I sleep on it every night since Jelaine has our mattresses OKC. :-( I'd sleep on the floor though.,if she was there with me.

Kilroy was here!

H Noble said...

He's leaving out the part about the pillows. We use them for camping and Justin takes them for Twin Arrows weekenders. Needless to say they get thrown in the laundry because they smell like campfire, or sweaty boy, or whatever. Well, they are the lumpiest, most uncomfortable pillows ever! One has already gone to the dumpster and the other has been given one last chance. Again, we apologize for this crazy discomfort that we've cast upon our unsuspecting guests. Please give us another chance and come visit!

ArmandII said...

You crack me up Holly!

Kilroy was here!

mrscoutmaster said...

Hey it sounds like those pillows were just getting broke in good!!!!

TreyJ said...

Does your cat normally sleep at night? Ours are pretty good about that...

H Noble said...

Trigger does sleep at night, under the chair in our room, even though he has a bed in our room and a bed in the living room. Whatever, as long as he's not on the furniture. He only does that when we're gone for the weekend. And then the night following a weekend away, he punishes us by meowing all night long. We have to call dibs on who gets to stay in bed and who is going to sleep with Trigger on the couch. What in the world will we do when we have kids?!
By the way Lannie, I think it sounds like you've just won yourself a lumpy pillow for your belated Father's Day gift!

H Noble said...

That'll teach you....She means it too. You aren't married to her...I know she ain't kiddin'