Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Comment Moderation 101

My wife and I greatly enjoyed our trip to Eureka Spring, Arkansas. We had limited WI-FI internet, so I decided one afternoon to fire it up and check out our blogs. I thought it would be nice to blog from somewhere other than Texas. It took ten minutes to load my blog, so I gave up on reading anyone else’s. I did look long enough to see no comments had been made on my previous blogs.

I got off the blog and thought to myself, how weird. Why doesn’t anyone want to comment on my blogs? Am I too boring with my philosophical baseball mumbo-jumbo? At least A3 could comment on Febreze, come on.

I get to work today and start looking through blogs. By sheer alphabet, Viki is last for the daily reading. I was startled to find JUSTIN!!! as the subject. Uh Oh. What did I do? Comment blocking thing? What?

So I researched and sure enough, people do like me. I mean

I’m good enough
I’m smart enough
and dog-gone people like me!

Now how in the heck did I get myself into this? Ah, I remember, it was the pop-up debate. Should comments pop-up or be on a new page. Pop-up won by my count, and I must agree. But you see I am a guy, and guys have to figure things out. What is this comment monitoring thing? I don’t know, let’s turn it on and see. Didn’t do anything I can tell.

And that, my friends is how I am got myself into this mess. So the odd thing is that Viki both got me into and out of this mess. Thanks Viki!

News on the home front soon!


TreyJ said...

Viki is laughing her butt off reading this! :-)

ArmandII said...

Yeah for freedom of speech! You have freed us all Justin!

Kilroy was here!

TreyJ said...

I was beginning to wonder if J10 turned into a commie or something...

Viki said...

I'm so glad we can all comment now. :-)

H Noble said...

or something...for sure.

Tom said...

BOY am I behind, just read about, job, now this. la la lala

Scott said...


mrscoutmaster said...

Want some cheese with your whine. You sent me the link. I have responded on the blog sites of most of the poeple I know...And Trey is the only one to go to my blog. And at last look he hadn't linked to it.