We finally have possession of our new home in Lubbock! There is much to be done before moving in, including removing wallpaper, painting every room, changing out light fixtures and installing blinds. The rest can wait, but these were on Holly's priority list and had everyone scrambling! My parents, my brother, aunt and uncle and grandparents were all in and out before the actual move-in, and thank God they were! This is a shot of the front of the house, a little off center, but you get the point.

The entryway. Beautiful crown molding and... Well, we scraped the wallpaper off, restained the front door and are dealing with the tile for now.
So retro- the hanging light!
And the pink carpet- maybe you can tell yourself it's a shade of beige.
Can't wait to see the after pics!!!
Can't wait to see what it looks like now! I'm not sure we could have done all those projects. We don't like projects.
Minus the "vintage" light fixtures, and wallpaper....it looks great! I love the kitchen! I know when Holly gets done whipping this place together it will be unbelievable!
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