Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well, Here We Are

by Holly

I think I'm not yet emotionally rested from all that has happened over the last few weeks, so the title kind of sums up how I feel. We have packed up most of what was in our home and moved to Lubbock to live in my parents' RV, with our stuff in two storage compartments. I am extremely grateful to my parents for coming twice with a trailer to help us pack and move here, and to Justin's parents for following us here on Saturday with a carload of their own. Great families make things much more bearable. So it is with the RV. Yes, its cramped here. Yes, Eli is very confused with his surroundings changing so much. Yes, I'd rather be in a real house with a washer and dryer and dishwasher and enough space to turn around and not run into someone, but above all I'm grateful for my parents' generosity in lending us their beautiful RV and helping us keep our financial status from completely blowing up.

Blessings: family, old friends, new friends, good jobs, our health, God's sustaining hand through it all
Prayer needs: our house to sell quickly at a good price, finding a good daycare for Eli here, patience and strength for myself/Justin/my parents as we shuffle Eli around and have this temporary living situation until our house sells, finding a great church for us here that we love as much as we did PBC

Hope you are all well. We appreciate all of the thoughts, prayers, emails, facebook notes...


aimee said...

Are you on facebook? Gotta check that out!

Anyway, I'm praying for you guys. I know moving isn't the funnest thing ever and the one of the most stressful things of life, but hang in there. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Lubbock! Let me know if you need daycare info -- I might can help a bit. I have been looking into a few for Connor for next fall, so I have done a little research!


Sarah said...

holly. you need to give me a call. i can give you some good scoop on day care, etc. and, i have a washer and dryer and can make a meal for you guys. and eli can play with jonas. seriously!

H Noble said...

I'll take all the help I can get on daycare research guys! Thanks!!!

H Noble said...

Oh, and I'm not on facebook but Justin is. Look him up!

Unknown said...

Hoping for a quick sale and smooth transition!!! Glad you already have friends and family close to connect you to resources!

Unknown said...

How is Eli these days?? Seth asked me today if there have been any updates on him. I am guessing he is walking? talking? keeping you on your toes?? when life settled down update us on your little guy!!