Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eli Update sans Photos

by Holly

Some of you have been asking about Eli, so here it is. Sadly, in our temporary housing situation, the computer is dismantled at my parents' house and we just haven't been taking pictures. So... I'm taking queue from Sarah on her list of what her little one is doing and am going to do the same.

* Eli is 15 months old and weighs about 28 lbs
* Is walking very well, sometimes with hands down, sometimes with a toy in hand, sometimes with hands held high
* Has found the joy in being chased, and caught, by the Tickle Monster aka Daddy
* Is much more interested in discovering his surroundings than playing with the humongous basket of toys, either in the trailer or at my parents' house
* Had a fabulous time grocery shopping on Sunday and quite loudly announced our aisle changes to the shoppers around us, all with my lip gloss in hand beating on the mac 'n cheese box as a drum
* Understands what it means to blow your nose, wrinkling his nose and blowing and even sometimes holds a tissue there at the same time
* Will climb anything and has not developed the fear of falling quite yet, which includes the staircase at Nana and Papa's
* Has a time limit of about 3 minutes in any restaurant high chair, maybe 5 if the strap isn't broken, before he is standing up and waving at the people behind his chair
* Is jabbering non-stop and even adds some real words occasionally
* Real words include: mama, dada, ball, papa, uh-oh, bye, bock-bock (Nana has chickens)
* Mimics me blowing on his food and even did it without prompting with a piece of bread at a cafe this weekend
* Takes bottles only in morning and at bedtime, and has switched to sippy cup for all other liquids (you may be thinking he's definitely old enough to be doing this, but his Mama was slow to transition her baby)
* Is very slowly getting over his fear of the shower and only cries now instead of screaming for its duration (there is no tub for him to play in in the trailer)
* Can make any item work as a phone but really wants your cell phone to play with
* Has learned to 'give me five' and blow kisses, and still will wave at anyone who says bye or whenever we put our coats on
* He's absolutely Mama's precious baby and rambunctious little boy all rolled into one cute kid!


Mike, Sarah, and Will said...

Boys are so much fun. I am glad that you are having 'fun' with the living situation. It may not seem like it now, but this just might be some of your best memories. Know that we are praying for your home to sell..if it hasn't already. God's timing is perfect. That was hard for us to remember when we were in that situation. Thanks for sharing Eli with us. He sounds like such a fun little boy. I can't wait to meet the little guy.

Sarah said...

i can't wait for jonas to play with eli! it sounds like he is doing really well in this transition period. looking forward to seeing you soon

Unknown said...

Sounds like Eli is doing great!! Can't wait to see pictures when life settles down and you have a computer. Hope you all find a house soon!