Friday, February 15, 2008

Water is not Hypoallergenic

By Justin

A friend noted that if I wasn’t married I should title this blog Justin’s Rants. If you feel I have mislead you on the purpose of our blog, sorry. I honestly feel that our life is pretty ordinary and bloging about ordinary just isn’t much fun. I would rather point out the crazy and rant about it

I am not a germ-a-phobe. Never have been. I think it might be impossible to be a Boy Scout and be a ger-a-phobe. I do have a minimum standard of washing your hands after using a restroom, particularly a public restroom.

As part of my researching for my rant I have become increasingly aware of people’s hand washing routines in the bathroom at work. Guys are the worlds worst at washing hands after a restroom stop. We all know it. I have classified three types of hand washers:

First the ones that actually wash their hands, soap and all.

Second the non-hand washers.

Third the guys that turn on the water, but don’t use soap. Now these guys are interesting, some how they have taught themselves that water is naturally hypoallergenic. By simply turning on the water and running their hands under it, they are clean. You can tell these guys simply by listening to the amount of time they have the water on. There is simply no way you can get soap on your hands and wash it off in less than three seconds. What really makes me laugh is they are not only wasting water but the paper towels to dry their hands off with as well. It is a double slam on the nonrenewable and renewable resource side. Maybe that is the cause of “global warming”, Trey?

I will say that I encountered a new low last week. While doing my business I heard the water come on and turn off in a matter of one second. Litterally. Do it in your head right now. SHHHHHHt. Then I didn’t hear the paper towel dispenser. CSI Noble jumped into action. I washed my hands, with soap, and got my paper towel. Before I completely pulled open the door I ran the paper towel down the handle. Sure enough, there was no moister on the handle. So we can reasonable conclude that this guy turned on the water because I was in the restroom to make me think he washed his hands. Wow. Save the water next time bud, I am on to you.

OK. There is the rant. Wash your hands. Just please use soap. At least while I am around.


H Noble said...

OK before everyone jumps on me. An Eli post is forth coming. Jeez...

TreyJ said...

I called Al Gore to confirm this, and yes, "Category 3 Hand Washing" is actually a leading cause of Global Warming.

And you're right, blogging about normal stuff isn't fun. I much prefer hearing your rants about the bizzare.

Viki said...

My friend Karen actually did a rant about people who fail to wash their hands, but it was geared more toward people who'd fall into your category 2.

When I encounter people like that I feel compelled to start carrying around very graphic pamphlets about disease control. Thank you for washing your hands.

Jonathan said...

sooo, i rarely actually go to blog sites (I use a reader), but I happened by your site today...nice design! (I gave my disclaimer b/c I don't know when you changed it)

Here is a low I have actually seen: same guy as your last example, except that he got a paper towel to use to open the door to exit the restroom, so that he wouldn't have to touch the handle, thus safeguarding against germs...brilliant, isn't it?!?! (remember that he didn't wash HIS hands!)

TreyJ said...

Justin, your format looks funny. The weird thing is that the quote up at the top is the same thing that was on my "Quote of the day" section of my google page at work. Strange....

JNoble said...

The format has been all over the place. It isn't stable. Sometimes I am not stable, so maybe it works. I stole the Google quote of the day, because I liked it so much. shhhh...don't tell.

Unknown said...

I had to totally laugh this morning when at church (which worships at a high school), I used the ladies' room and when washing my hands thought of another dynamic to add to this rant--what is UP with the knobs that you depress and a little water comes out but you have to keep hitting??? How in the WORLD is that hygenic? I mean, seriously, it totally propels bacteria issues and discourages proper hand washing!

Unknown said...

We recently discovered that Jackson got some kind of amoeba in him! After 5 weeks of the worst diaper rash you have ever seen and a zillion creams, I talked the pediatrician into testing Jackson's stool. Gross, I know..but sure enough he has an amoeba. Where do they come from you ask????....Not washing hands!!! Wash your hands people! Just think if our Colombian amoebas got to all of you non-hand washer's in the US. An epidemic would break out for sure!!!

Margo said...

Working with kids, this is my favorite saying all day long "Did you wash your hands?" I love when the kids lie - even when you were watching them the whole time. Start early with your kids so their teachers don't have to! Boys especially seem to have some aversion to getting their hands wet.