Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I took Holly’s car to work yesterday for the one reason of getting her oil changed. The traffic was delightfully light on the way home, so I arrived at our normal oil changing place around 4:30. I put my name on the list and sat in my car, waiting for my turn to go into the bay. Around ten minutes later they still haven’t got to my car. They ‘invite’ me to wait in their lobby. Being a very nice day outside I decide to stand outside the store and call my grandmother. I hate people who have long personal conversations on cell phones in public. I was on the phone no less than twenty minutes when I noticed that my car had not moved. I looked at the car in the bay and they had it hooked up to a reader trying to determine why the check engine light was on. They were taking that teenage girl to the cleaners, changing her differentials, oil, filters, everything. Besides that I had been waiting for forty minutes with no movement whatsoever. I kindly asked the guy behind me in line to back up so I could get out, this is suppose to be a ‘quick’ lube.

I then headed over to get my haircut. I drove by my normal drop-in place to find eight people in the waiting room reading magazines and three people cutting hair. Not a good ratio in this place. Having lost out on all my chores for the day, I went home. I snuggled up on the couch and watched TV till Holly got home. What a waste…


Viki said...

I used to get irate when stuff like this happened to me, but these days I take it as a sign that life is too busy and i just need to slow down a little...at least you had an enjoyable conversation with your grandmother...

aimee said...

I had one of those days. I spent 15 minutes in line at Kohl's with two boys trying to return something, only to find out I was in the wrong line. Back to the store I go where I waited another 10. Then this lady tries to cut in front of me. I said No way. Okay, I didn't say it but I rushed in front of her when it was MY turn.
Hope everything else is going good!

Viki said...

Good for you Aimee! No napping happening here!

TreyJ said...

I would have come up with the same solution you did - leave. I hate waiting in lines, especially when it happens in more than one place in a row.