Friday, December 08, 2006

3:07 PM

Well that was going to be my last blog of the afternoon, but this is just so dang blogable.

The guy that sits to my back in cube world has serious sinus issues. It is so bad that he blows his nose obnoxiously loud at least three times a day. Some days more! It is so gross that sometimes you can hear the ‘obstructions’ move. Today, probably since no one is here, it seem overly loud. It is too much to ask to go away from your desk to do that? It is also interesting that we were in our 1.5 hour meeting and he didn’t blow his nose once. It is an issue or a habit?

Now I am done; or am I?


H Noble said...

oh I have my own version of FFG started?


Viki said...

Ha ha! I will look forward to reports of NBM (nose-blower man) - and if you have a better acronym, please, use it!

Anonymous said...

Really? Someone worse than my famous nose-blowing?

Thanks for the hourly distractions - they've helped get me through some writer's block in my draft report I'm sending to the partner today.

Sure wish I could have a review before I send it to him, though!

TreyJ said...

Unfortunately I couldn't get to a computer to see your day of blogging develop, but it was fun to read after the fact! Bummer about your Apple Pie...I could really go for a Mrs. Baird's Apple Pie right now. The Hostess ones they sell up here aren't as good.