Friday, February 27, 2009

A Moving Update

By Justin

A few thoughts and a moving update…

The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way. - Henry David Thoreau

We have fielded many questions of when our last date in Dallas will occur. The best we can guess at this point is that we will be leaving Dallas on Saturday March 7th in the early morning. My (Justin) last day at Southwest Airlines is March 4th.

Our house has had some great showing traffic. In the first week we have had nine showings. The feedback is positive and we feel good about the prospects of a quick sale. Keep praying for the right buyer to fall in love, quickly!

We have also answered many question about our Lubbock living situation. Soon after I married Holly I informed her I would never live in a home with wheels (or once had wheels). Well it is time to eat my crow, as they say. We are going to stay in Holly’s parents RV for at least the first two to four weeks. Our plan is to save some cash while we are trying to sale our house in Allen and avoid a double mortgage situation. We will see how long close quarters living lasts. Pray for patience and wisdom as we decide how to juggle finances, Eli and living situations.

Many thanks for all of your prayers!

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. - George Moore
The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes. - Harold B. Lee (1899 - 1973)

Life's a voyage that's homeward bound. - Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)


Anonymous said...

Hello Justin, Holly, & Eli!

The panhandle branch of the Brown family tree is so excited ya'll are moving to Lubbock!! Congratulations on your new job. We will be praying for all the pieces to fall into place..and you know our door here in Canyon is always open and ready for a visit!!! Love you all - James Cheryl & Savannah

Anonymous said...

p.s. Please let us know if you need any help here at this end of your new adventure..we are always ready for a road trip! Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I can attest that Justin swore that he'd never live in a house that has or had wheels. I hear crow tastes pretty good.

I guess the upside is now you'll be able to go "parking" every night. wink wink

JNoble said...

If you knew the number of people counting nine months ahead since we will be somewhat Eli free and have so much more 'free time' on our hand you would be surprised. I will say this, only if the good Lord wills it.

Viki said...

I wouldn't feel too bad about the temporary living situation - I say it doesn't count because it's temporary. I always said I'd never live in my mother's house after college, but I did have to make a temporary stop there inbetween graduation and starting my job for about 2 weeks.