Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1/1 Picture

The photo tag got my mind to spinning and I am going to post a random pic (or not so random!) each month, something I might not normally post. Here's how it goes. For January, I post the 1st picture in the 1st folder on my computer. For February, the 2nd picture in the 2nd folder and so on. So this year you will get to see 12 shots of our life that you wouldn't otherwise see. Its going to be fun! Won't you join me and post your own random shots?!

This is in the Metro Center terminal of the D.C. transit system. I thought it was a really cool shot and later realized you aren't supposed to take pictures inside the metro system. Oops. We were in D.C. last April to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary and had a wonderful time.


aimee said...

Great idea! I can't wait to see all 12 shots.

Why can't you take pictures inside the metro?

Viki said...

Man, I would've paid to see how packed the Metro was on Tuesday.

I love your new layout!

H Noble said...

The photo no-no is that its a security issue, you know, if someone were making plans to do something they shouldn't to a public place. You get my point.

Thanks Viki!

Jenise said...

This picture got me excited. DC Metro stations are very distinctive, so I immediately thought, "Who's in DC?"

I always complain to my mom when she takes pictures in metros or airports, but this picture was fun!

Anonymous said...

Great idea Holly and Great image. im very impressed! I love the visual texture. You have such an eye!