Monday, June 23, 2008

A New Joy in Parenthood

by Holly

I don't even know how to say this in a pleasant way, so here goes. Eli pooped in the bathtub for the first time tonight. You can't fault him for this; he's been constipated and hadn't gone all day. Why wouldn't prunes for dinner and a nice, warm bath elicit a long-awaited poop? It caught me completely off guard, even though I should have been prepared with the toots and the subsequent red face, but he's never done it during a bath before, so I was oblivious. As soon as it happened, I stood him up where only his feet were touching the water and yelled for Justin. By yelling, I spooked Eli and was trying very hard to assure him it was okay and I wasn't yelling at him. He didn't cry, but I got some very big blue eyes and a worried look. Justin wrapped him in his towel and proceeded with an impromptu kitchen sink bath. I cleaned up the poop. Ah, the joys of motherhood. I'm not complaining- its a little gross, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I needed to. I love that little man, but I would appreciate it if he would stick to using diapers from now on!


Unknown said...

From what we have heard from friends it sounds like you will be doing it again soon!! Our friends in DC were laughing about it with us a few weeks ago because it's the husbands job in their family to fish it out. We haven't had it happen yet but we know the fun day is approaching!!

Jonathan said...

that's awesome! bathtime floaties!!!!!

Viki said...

Normally I would refrain from commenting on baby poop...but this was a funny story. :-)

TheLudlows said...

Ahh the joys! They like to keep us on our toes don't they?

H Noble said...

Um, did I leave out that it wasn't exactly a 'piece' to pick out?
Yeah, I'll leave it at that.

Eva said...

Every parent has a bath poop story.....


Anonymous said...

We haven't had that happen but it's good to hear it from you so that I won't be too shocked if and when it happens!

Sarah said...

wow, holly, I am impressed that you didn't convince justin to pick it up! ahhhh, what i have to look forward to.

Unknown said...

Oh, the things we get to do! Our stuff now is pooping in the underwear--Yuck!!!!!! One time, when Kyle was a newborn, his poop got height under it and he sprayed David in the hand...and another time, he sprayed the wall with pee...crazy how these things become the "norm" in our lives! FUNNY STORY HOLLY!!!