Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Aimee!

Happy Belated Birthday to my long-time friend Aimee! Sorry I missed it yesterday, but hope it was a fabulous day and spent with the ones you love.

Check out Aimee's blog in our links to the right by clicking on 'Houston Family'.

In honor of Aimee, I'd like to share some tidbits about our friendship that most of you don't know. (Okay Abbey, if you do know its b/c you have an unfair advantage!)

*Aimee gave me my first Jimmy Buffett CD for my 17th birthday.
*Aimee and I lived together in the dorms at Tech our freshman year, and after many years are friends again. Praise God for forgiveness and grace!
*Aimee writes amazing poetry and I still have some of her very early work.
*Aimee and I played the flute together from 5th through 11th grade, with one year of bass drums thrown in for good measure.
*Aimee has a kind heart that gives beyond its capacity. (oh, if you know Aimee, you already knew this one!)

Happy Birthday!


aimee said...

You have a better memory than me! I can't believe you still have some of my poetry. Wow.

Bass drums. Wasn't that fun? :)

Thank you Holly. This made my day. love you!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet Holly -- I didn't know some of this info. interesting!
