Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Eli's September Update

Eli is now 9 months old! He is crawling, has pulled up to standing on the couch a couple of times, loves finger foods and is a pro at 'mamamama' and 'dadadada' but doesn't associate them with us quite yet. He is just over 21 lbs and is 28 inches long, right in the middle of the curve for his age, but his head is in the 90th percentile. I wondered why his t-shirts were all so tight getting on! We attribute that to being his father's son. Here's a snapshot of this past month.

Eli next to his bag on his first day of 'school'. He started at a daycare in Allen 3 weeks ago and is doing great there. No, Mama didn't cry, but it is hard leaving him with strangers!

This is Eli's "I'm crawling now, and am going to get into something!" look. His favorite destinations are the ficus tree (in order to eat the fake grass out of its pot) and the loose floor trim in front of the fireplace. "Yes, I hear you saying 'no' guys, but I'm pretending not to!"

Here are the boys playing "Conquer Dad" or something like that. I believe it ended with Eli plowing completely over Justin's head and going for the no-no fringe on the pillow.

Eli got his first haircut last weekend by my grandfather. PawPaw was previously a barber and does all the boys' first haircuts in our family. Eli was fine until he heard the buzzing sound and then lost it. It took Justin and I both to hold him still so he wouldn't get an ear taken off.

I know you can't see it very well here, but this is the finished product. He looks like such a big boy now! And the tears were over as quickly as they had begun. That's Eli's tears I mean. Mine started after the drama had died down and I realized that my baby was growing up.


Unknown said...

Oh Eli!!! Jackson can't wait to meet you at Christmas time!!! You are such a big boy!

aimee said...

The first haircut is such a big milestone. After cutting Rhett's curls, I just cried. He didn't look like a baby anymore!

Eli is such a cute guy.

Viki said...

He's just too cute - what a bright little smile!

TheLudlows said...

What a big boy!

Jonathan said...

the first!! what a great time! lovin the pics...especially the crawling grin

Amanda McNeely said...

Eli is too cute! Thanks for posting an update, I enjoy keeping up with you guys! I posted some new pics of our kiddos......take a peek!

Margo said...

He is just adorable! Love the blonde hair!!