Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm running for President

By Justin

I love politics.  I love talking politics.  I love debating politics.  Holly could care less.  Holly would probably have hard time knowing who the Vice President is.  That's okay.  It is what makes our relationship tick!  I hate that the 2012 campaign has already started.  I think we should seriously consider a law that says you can't touchdown in Iowa before six months prior to the primaries.  If you do, do not pass go, do not become president.

I will never run for political office.  At least I don't think I will.  So in the spirit of the current times I pleased to announce that I am running for President.  Now I am aware that I do not meet the qualifications under article two of the Constitution.  A minor detail.  In reality I just plan to launch a few blog posts over the next few weeks that tackle the major issues facing the candidates and our country.  I plan to post my views and maybe, just maybe, spur a little talking on the blog.  

Now we won't agree.  And respect will rule the day.  If you want to be disrespectful, go run to be a Senator.  This is a Presidential debate, and we will conduct our self accordingly.  I also want to start with this: "THESE VIEWS ARE MY OWN.  I do not speak for my wife."  Often times we disagree over major themes.  Also please do not try to box me into a political party, religious dogmatic theology, or even a regional belief system.  It won't work.  I also will not discuss the current President or GOP field of candidates.  This is intended to be lighthearted and fun while really helping me think through the issues.

So come along for the ride.  First 'Platform Discussion' is national defense.


LANNIE said...


Chi said...

I must say I'm glad you're posting about these kinds of topics. The media is so easy to turn any issue into a battle of parties or polarizing issue.

On the topic of campaigning, I think that Iowa and New Hampshire garner so much unnecessary attention during the beginning of the presidential primary season. This is particularly true of the Ames straw poll that's coming up tomorrow, I believe. One pundit will call it a non-factor this early in the race, but networks (CNN, in this case since that's what I listening to at the moment) will easily proclaim it the first important test for the GOP field. I digress since this is not what you wanted.

So I'll leave you with this. I completely sympathize with you wanting to debate politics and Holly not being able to answer "Joe Biden." I'm so intrigued by how issues are formed and how decisions get made. Jessica doesn't like it when I talk about politics and also probably couldn't name the VP (nor would she care to).