Sunday, September 07, 2008

I'm a big boy now!

Eli is sporting his very first set of big boy pajamas- separate shirt and pants, with no feet! Thanks Grandma, for sending them our way! This was also the first night that I found him sleeping with his little bottom stuck up in the air. Yep, I risked waking him to take pictures.
He didn't budge.

Guess who's crawling now? Justin is working on posting a video but is having technical difficulties. (Michelle, let us know if you figure yours out.) Eli doesn't yet understand 'no' so he crawls wherever he wants to and then cries for us to rescue him. For some reason, under this table seems to be his favorite spot to get trapped. He also did a fine job of dust-mopping behind the couch- crawled from one end to the other, stopping for a moment to play with the dust bunnies and then moving on to Mama waiting at the other end. Unfortunately we missed that on film.

We took Eli to the zoo over Labor Day weekend for his first time. We rode the Dart rail down to the Dallas Zoo, which wasn't extravagant but definitely close enough to home and easy enough for us to do in just a few hours. This is Justin and Eli at the Stingray Bay pool. You can actually pet the rays as they swim by. Eli missed out this time but Justin and I both did and they are amazingly smooth. We had a great time even though it was very hot!


aimee said...

He is so big now! I can't believe it! I love that he mops your floor. :)

Unknown said...

What a cute little boy you have! Such cute blond hair and blue eyes! We are looking forward to the video! Beware of him opening his diaper with big boy pj's!!! If you hear him super happy in his bed in the morning with "open" pj's on you better draw straws to see who has to clean it up!! :)

TheLudlows said...

He is a big boy now! Did he have a favorite animal?

JNoble said...

The ring attached to his stroller was his favorite till he fell asleep! He also inherited his dad's love of people watching!