Thursday, May 31, 2007

What happened here?!

by Holly

I came into work on Wednesday morning to find my desk all in upheaval. There was potting soil from my plant all over the shelf, the water bottle that has a plant in it was out of water, the Kleenex box was empty and everything else on my desk was out of place. Hmm…. what could have happened here? And why?

Upon further inspection, I realize there is a horrible screeching noise coming from under my desk, and the general power strip area. The computer will not come on at all.

So, I cleaned up the potting soil and water mess, and put everything back in its place. I then sat down (and realized my chair was wet) to call the help desk for some help with the offending noise and the fact that my computer will not come on. My phone doesn’t work. Oh, there is a dial tone, but when you push the buttons, all that happens is a suspicious ‘squish’. That’s right. My phone is wet.

After notifying my supervisor of what’s happened so far, I went to the secretary’s desk to use her phone. After a few questions such as “And you say the phone is wet?” and “What did you say the noise sounded like?” I was able to get someone to come check it out.

Turns out that the power strip had gotten wet as well, so after replacing it, I was good to go and the computer works fine. And no more screeching noise!

The phone? That took a couple more hours and a very nice old man to tell me that my phone was in fact, broken. That was his technical diagnosis for the problem. I got a new one, and he even showed me how to program numbers into it.

Everything is fine now, but my questions remain: What happened here? And why? And one more: Who? I assume I’ll never get my answers b/c people are just that immature. That is today’s society. Do whatever you want and don’t mind the consequences. Someone else will clean up your mess.

So, I hope you had a better start to your Wednesday than I did! Happy Thursday!

P.S. I’m not in a bad mood. Just pensive, pondering the direction of our society, and if it has anything to do with the fact that parents are letting TV’s raise their children and others are insisting on removing God from our lives. Hold that thought- Who was it that created us? That’s right!


JNoble said...

I say it was a UFO landing. Can we call your cube Roswell now?

H Noble said...

Sure. But my Southwest plane, Hiccup, is parked on that shelf and I don't think they fly to Roswell. Do you think they used him?!

Jelaine said...

That's crazy! I'm really curious to know what happened, too. I'm glad you got it all worked out, though.

TreyJ said...

Maybe a critter got loose???

aimee said...

I was wondering that myself--mouse maybe? You know, we have never had luck with the critters! :)

H Noble said...

The thing is that I have two shelves, with a divider between them. A couple of things were moved from one shelf to the other, and were still upright. So I don't think that the critter theory is going to work out! :)

H Noble said...
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Viki said...

I hope it was some kind of mouse or something, too. One would hope that someone would've reported this, even if they had to say they found it or "a coworker" had done it...