Saturday, April 09, 2011

Where have you been?

By: Justin

Well I've been everywhere man...

We have been busy. Parenting two kids is...well...hard. Rewarding (most of the time) but hard. So we have become those parents who don't really spend that much time posting things, reading things or what have you...

I also think that Facebook has killed blogging. I said this week to a friend, Facebook has caused us to know so much about our friends, yet know our friends less than ever before.  I know where you ate last night, that your kid rocked it on the t-ball field and even that you have a test this week.  What I don't know is how you really are doing.  How your spouse or family is.  Even if we are really anything more than 'facebook friends'. 

So friends, lets all reconnect.  Lets send some emails, calls..heck maybe even a letter. 

What do you say?  Huh..sorry my phone dinged....someone just commented on a facebook post...



ArmandII said...

This is my attempt to reconnect! We miss you guys. I'm far from home and Jelaine is faithfully holding down the fort and two kids in Omaha. I hope to return to her soon! I hope the Noble family is doing well. I'll call sometime very soon. God bless you Justin and Holly.

BTW I just started bloggin least while I am on the road. Nothing interesting yet but we'll see what I can come up with. (

Kilroy was here!

Sarah Jackson said...

True story. I know more tiny details about people than I care to know, thanks to Facebook. Oh how social media has taken over.... :) We need to go out to dinner sometime and have an actual conversation!

aimee said...

I thought y'all had quit blogging!! I'll put you back on my list if you are back! :)

You are so right about Facebook. Seth always says Facebook will be the end of civilation, but then I catch him checking mine! ha!

I do think of y'all often and hope you are doing well. I won't say parenting gets easier as they get older, but you will find a little more time to do things...