Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm running for President

By Justin

I love politics.  I love talking politics.  I love debating politics.  Holly could care less.  Holly would probably have hard time knowing who the Vice President is.  That's okay.  It is what makes our relationship tick!  I hate that the 2012 campaign has already started.  I think we should seriously consider a law that says you can't touchdown in Iowa before six months prior to the primaries.  If you do, do not pass go, do not become president.

I will never run for political office.  At least I don't think I will.  So in the spirit of the current times I pleased to announce that I am running for President.  Now I am aware that I do not meet the qualifications under article two of the Constitution.  A minor detail.  In reality I just plan to launch a few blog posts over the next few weeks that tackle the major issues facing the candidates and our country.  I plan to post my views and maybe, just maybe, spur a little talking on the blog.  

Now we won't agree.  And respect will rule the day.  If you want to be disrespectful, go run to be a Senator.  This is a Presidential debate, and we will conduct our self accordingly.  I also want to start with this: "THESE VIEWS ARE MY OWN.  I do not speak for my wife."  Often times we disagree over major themes.  Also please do not try to box me into a political party, religious dogmatic theology, or even a regional belief system.  It won't work.  I also will not discuss the current President or GOP field of candidates.  This is intended to be lighthearted and fun while really helping me think through the issues.

So come along for the ride.  First 'Platform Discussion' is national defense.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


By Justin

I can't stand it when a statistic is used to inflate a problem. Instead of framing a problem or issue in 'real terms' we use a statistic to make it seem oh so much better or worse. No other place is this more apparant than in journalism. They have crazy important deadlines and the pressure to make a story must be enormous. Do you need an example?

Well lets start with this story from KCBD Newchannel 11 here in Lubbock. To see the full article go here. It is a story about OSHA warning employers and employees about the crazy hot heat and heat stroke. In that story they make the following statement:

"Last year nationwide more than 1,790 people became seriously ill from heat and more than 30 died."

This statement get me worked up, bad. First off "more than 30 people". Is that 31 or 3,890,903 people? You have a fairly exact number at 1,790, but not in the death number? Where did this number come from? Did KCBD research it, steal it from the 'heat death index' website, what? Does KCBD make it a habit to keep track of deaths nationwide caused by heat?

But more than the lack of sourse, the really irking thing to me is the use of a number to make this story important. Before we go any farther please know that I understand that heat related deaths and illness are 100% preventable. But what this bigger to me is if you put this number in context of the scope this article discusses, then a problem really doesn't exist. If the problem doesn't exist, then there is no need for this story. If there is no need for the story, then what is the ultimate need for the new organization as a whole. Lets break it down.

USA population: 308 million Source: US Census
USA working population: 121 milllion in 2008 (non farm) Source: US Census

So the percentage of working population affected by heat illness is:
(1,790 divded by 121 million *100) = .0014793%

So the percentage of deaths in the working populations is:
(30 divided by 121 million *100) = .000024793%

I see an epidemic on our hands...

More than anything I can't handle unnecessary exageration. This story loses nothing if it focuses on the real risks and concerns, the searing heat. So take heed cause 1 in 10 of my blog readers agrees with me.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Driving 101

By Justin
I know you are a bad driver when any of the following occur:
- You accelerate from the stoplight, and your brake lights are still illuminated.
- You hit your brakes and come to a complete stop to enter the center left turn lane.
- Your two year old is bouncing on the back seat of your car. 
- You are on the inside of a two lane left turn and you aren't even smart enough to follow the 'idiot lines' helping you know which lane to go into.
- You drive a sports car but can't beat the school bus off the line at the red light.
- The time you require for a break in traffic to execute a turn can be calculated using an egg timer.
- You wait until you can see my car over the top of the hill to turn off your bright lights.
- You ride with your bright lights on even on a divided highway with on coming traffic.
- You see the big flashing arrow instructing you to merge and get mad when I don't let you.
All of these items and more cause me to deduct IQ points from you on a scale directly proportional to my annoyance at the moment.  Happy Defensive Driving All!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Ode to Angela

by Justin

You probably dont know her. If you do, you are probably blog stalking...

If you have a chance to meet her you should.

In my life I have probably spent a sum total of one hour in her presence. I wish it could be more.

Angela makes people happy, just being in her presence. She is contagious that way.

She makes Holly's work days better, just being an IM chat away.

She chose to be a USA citizen and now knows more about the USA than 99% of all native-born Americans.

She is really a Canadian at heart, EH!

She loves pink and pink ribbons. It is a good thing, but a sad thing all at the same time.

Her mom and grandmother both lost thier battles with breast cancer. Angela is an amazingly strong woman because of it, even if she doesn't know it.

She walks the Komen 3-day for the Cure in their honor. You should support her here.

Mostly she likes crazy cat pictures and jokes.

Here is to you, Angela. An Ode to You, from West Texas...