Praise God from whom all blessings flow! This wasn't a song we sang at the Women of Faith conference this past weekend, but it definitely could have been. I was blessed with a prize package including 4 free tickets, 2 hotel rooms for 2 nights and front row seats for the conference of my choice in 2010 and I chose the Shreveport/Bossier City conference. I took with me three of my closest ladies, Erin who I always attend WOF events with, my mom and my aunt. We flew to Dallas on Thursday and Erin picked us up for the drive to Shreveport from there. Our first blessing- missing by seconds a horrible car accident where a drunk man was weaving in and out of traffic and tailgating every vehicle he came upon. After my heart stopped racing when he passed us (I was driving), it was about 5 minutes before we found his car flipped in the median. He was okay, probably b/c his drunk body was so relaxed. That could have been us, but God had better plans for us that day.
The weekend was filled with laughter that we all needed, a break from the dailyness of our lives, and special moments of sharing together in what we are learning from our gracious God. The conference was amazing, as it always is, and the speakers seemed to speak right to our hearts, with words that encouraged and lifted us up and showed us the power and grace that only He can give. I won't even begin to pretend that my tears didn't flow freely, and Erin was even amazed that I cried within the first four minutes of being there. :) The praise team was singing "You are God Alone" which just took my breath away. As if the amazing speakers weren't enough, including guest speaker Andy Andrews whose books I highly recommend, we were blessed with concerts by both Mandisa and Nicole C. Mullen. Front row is where you need to be for these ladies! Wow! If I were a person prone to charismatic praise, this would have been the time and place. I'm not, but I did enjoy it immensely and purchased two CD's that I'm listening to even now.
I took so much away from this conference that I can't begin to put it all down here, but one quote that I am holding tight to is "If you are breathing you are still alive, and if you are still alive, you have not yet fulfilled God's purpose for your life." This doesn't mean you aren't doing what you are supposed to be doing, but that God may have a time/purpose/place/person you are supposed to be there for that has yet to come. Wow. We are not here just randomly. He has directed our steps and is with us for each one of them. May you be blessed today by His holy hand!

Patsy Clairmont, who is hilarious and inspiring. I'm reading her book "Kaleidoscope" which is a humorous walk through Proverbs and how to apply them to your own life.