Saturday, January 17, 2009

Photo Tag

I was tagged by Sarah M weeks ago and am just getting around to obliging. Here's the deal, you open the fourth photo file on your computer and post the fourth picture in that file and share about it.

So, this is my dear friend Aimee and her sons Noah and Rhett. This was taken about 2 years ago when I drove up to Oklahoma to visit them for a weekend. The picture was actually at Toby Keith's "I Love This Bar & Grill" in OK City. Good food, good company. Great weekend memories!

I now tag.... Aimee, McNeely and Abbey. Go!


aimee said...

Oh my you rememeber why the boys look so unhappy? Noah had just dropped Rhett's spongebob book in between the back of the seat and the wooden divider! We couldn't get it back! Ha!

TheLudlows said...

Cute new layout!

H Noble said...

I do remember that Aimee! It was a little humorous to me, but the boys (and Seth) were not amused!

Thanks C. We were pumped to find a fun new layout that screamed 'Texas'! :)