It snowed here a little on Wednesday, but mostly sleeted and then froze. Justin didn't attempt the drive into work and the daycare was closed so both of my boys were home with me. What a nice treat! A twist on working from home: so many employees tried to work remotely due to the weather that the system couldn't support everyone and noone was able to work! So, I ended up taking a vacation day and just enjoyed my family.
Wednesday was the worst weather day this week but I actually took these photos Thursday morning before it melted. The top one is a bush near the front porch where the rain runs off of the roof. It is a sturdy plant- look at the leaves frozen in huge chunks of ice from the bitter cold runoff! The bottom picture is of a tree at the corner of our house. I think its a tree. Its a large bush-like thing with lots of stems/trunks, but is bigger than a bush. Anyway, its an odd thing to trim but looks cool, and especially so with the ice on its leaves. You may laugh at my horticultural ignorance now. Its okay.